Ericzone Podcast: Creation of discussions

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eric mailhot ericpodcast-avatarIn April of 2017, i began a new chapter in my audiovisual story. Following my move to Quebec City in March of 2016, it became clear to me that it would be much too complicated to keep up the work on the Blackburn Podcast in Montreal. Once this realization had sunk in, I decided nevertheless to push things forward and to further invest time and resources in the creation of original web content. And so, with patience and the encouraging words from people around me (whom I thank wholeheartedly), I succeeded in putting together a second web show project. Similar to the francophone Blackburn Podcast with its journalistic appeal, i felt it would be logical that i would simply call this new bilingual show the ”Ericzone Podcast.

Far from me wanting to reinvent myself as a web show host, my true purpose in this case (aside from taming the technical aspect of things) is to be more efficient as a producer. Not only does this latest project allow me to do some networking, but it also gives me the chance to practice being eloquent and to work on my camera persona. The Ericzone Podcast also gives me this unique opportunity to quench my thirst for knowledge and to better understand our society. Last but not least, through this project, i hope to continue to create original content and to contribute to positive change in our world. Without a doubt, this new podcast would not have been possible, had i not worked on the Blackburn Podcast alongside Pierre Blackburn, Chantal Paquin, Dan Smith and all the other people whom I owe a great many thanks.

We live in amazing times. Thanks to the accessibility of technologies and the development of social media, it’s now possible to be heard and to inspire others to do the same. It is my opinion, in light of the current environmental situation, that it has become a duty for people everywhere to lend their voice to the marketplace of ideas. It is of utmost importance that we get involved, share our experiences and reach out to others.

Throughout my career, i’ve been privileged to encounter a lot of very interesting people. This podcast gives me a unique chance to share with you, this entourage of inspiring individuals. I thank each and every one of that have taken the time to participate, to watch and to share each episode. I should also thank those patiently waiting for more English episodes. I will have more content in 2018, I promise!

Visit the Ericzone Podcast page on Facebook, YouTube and The show is available on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher. I invite you to visit the Ericzone Podcast photo album on Flickr. As always, visit my online portfolio at . Visit my professional Facebook page and click Like in order to keep in touch. You can also find me on Youtube. Have you sent me a contact request on LinkedIn? Ericzone is on Instagram.